
Getting Schoolwork Done During this Global Crisis!

Getting Your Child’s Work Done During the COVID-19 Crisis

Life has now changed as we know it in the past few weeks. We are coping with many issues that even supermom herself couldn’t handle! It’s not just school worries, it’s basic survival Paying the bills. Losing our jobs or working from home. Keeping your family healthy. Sanitizing routines. Figuring out where and how to […]

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Homework Struggles – Stop the Homework Battle

Homework Struggles - Stop the Homework Battle

Are homework struggles causing chaos in your house? Do you dread each night knowing what’s ahead of you? When it comes to kids with ADHD, executive functioning, learning disabilities, and those on the spectrum, traditional methods just don’t cut it. Try some of these out of the box strategies to set your child up for […]

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