Getting Schoolwork Done During this Global Crisis!

Getting Your Child’s Work Done During the COVID-19 Crisis

Life has now changed as we know it in the past few weeks. We are coping with many issues that even supermom herself couldn’t handle! It’s not just school worries, it’s basic survival

  • Paying the bills.
  • Losing our jobs or working from home.
  • Keeping your family healthy.
  • Sanitizing routines.
  • Figuring out where and how to get food.
  • Being confined to home.
  • Doing your job while teaching and supervising your child and/or children.

Parents are Now Teachers for kids with NVLD/ADHD/Autism

Next week begins the third week of homeschooling across the country during this critical time. If all this weren’t already enough parents are scrambling with how to continue their child’s education and are worrying about …

  • Getting special services.
  • 504 plans and IEP’s.
  • Managing behavior and anxiety.
  • Keeping their child from falling further behind.
  • How to get the work done at home with accountability.
  • Learning subject matter and teaching methods.
  • Creating and maintaining a schedule.

I am Here to Help! Get the Work Done! No More Work Battles . . .

Let me take some of the burden off your shoulders! It doesn’t have to be all on you anymore! To better help you continue your child’s education I’m providing my online supervised interactive study hall, program!

Starting Immediately, I’m Offering . . .

  • Affordable monthly online study hall sessions
  • Distraction-free supervised setting for work completion
  • 2-4 online sessions a week (each session is two hours)
  • Concentrating on work in small chunks of time.
  • Built in brain boosting focus breaks.
  • Breaking the work into ‘chunks.’

How Does it work?

While working quietly in tandem with others, students will experience the power of human accountability, also known as ‘body-doubling.’ This technique work well for NeuroDiverse students be more productive while helping you eliminate the daily schoolwork battle!

You select the 2-hour time period for work completion. Sessions will match to similar aged students of all ages. When the 2-hour session starts each student states what they will be working for the next 15 to 30 minutes (varies per age). Then they get to work! There will be a grade-appropriate time break with interactive activities to help them exert some of their energy so that they can focus on their next task!

Get Started Now! Get the Work Done and Peace into Your Home!

Call or text me at 856-396-9135 or email me.

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