Brain Training

The way to remediate weak cognitive skills is through brain training. Brain training works by targeting weaknesses in the cognitive processing system. Our individualized brain training programs remediate the way one learns, thinks, and processes information. While traditional tutoring focuses on re-teaching academics, repetitive study, and memory, brain training fully develops the brains cognitive processing skills required for academic learning.  

What Is Brain Training?

Just like physical fitness can be improved by exercising the body, learning can be improved by exercising the brain. Brain training develops the automaticity of academic independent learning. Just like driving, typing, playing an instrument, knitting, and texting, these activities happen automatically with no thinking or effort. Brain training makes learning happen easily and effortlessly and is based on the scientific research of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change and develop new pathways. Once the brain has made the changes, it continues to grow and develop, meaning your or your child will continue on the path of autonomous learning.  

Why Brain Training?

“The potential for brain training as a new therapeutic tool is phenomenal,” says Amit Etkin, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University. “By understanding brain circuitry, we can tailor interventions that medication or psychotherapy do not access or improve. The great advantage is that these programs are not invasive, have minimal side effects, and are, for the most part, fun.”

Brain Training with Gamified Neurotechnology

The best way to train the brain now is through online gamified neurotechnology. Kids today expect and demand the latest tech advancements. Anything less to them is inferior. We have a generation used to devices that are changing the way learning occurs. Game elements are used to entertain and learn new skills. Best of all, learning becomes fun, not a chore!

Engaging and Rewarding 

These monitored online software programs augment the way one learns and by giving immediate feedback in the form of a game. Interest is built by mastering levels and rewarding each one with incentives such as points, badges, or status. Literature is accumulating on the effectiveness of gamified neurotechnology. One such study has shown that those who participated in at-home and e-learning programs improved their learning through elements of gamification.

How Is It Done?

Brain training is a process of fun and challenging mental exercises to develop the underlying foundations of learning. Exercises consist of a series of sequenced steps. Skills are broken down in the areas of long- and short-term memory, active working memory, attention, processing speed, auditory processing, visual processing, sensory integration, logic, reasoning, organization, and time management. As each level is mastered, the next becomes harder with various changes and modifications.

Research-Based Components of Effective Brain Training

  • Immediate feedback
  • Intensity and frequency
  • Repetitive skill practice
  • Incentives and rewards
  • Challenging, fun activities
  • Increase in the difficulty of levels
  • Students’ high level of engagement
  • Building skills upon mastered skills

Brain Cross Training 

In addition to online gamification, some students will need face-to-face brain training sessions in-office or on platforms, such as Skype and Zoom to receive maximum results. No worries, it’s just as fun!

What Are the Results of Brain Training?

Easier and Faster Learning 

Performance is increased in academics (grades and homework completion), transitions, verbal and written expression, life skills, behavior, motivation, attitude, and social-emotional learning. You or your child will also develop an increased ability to work independently and experience a greater level of success at school, home, work, and relationships. Once cognitive processing skills are remediated, tutoring may no longer be necessary. If tutoring is needed to catch up to peers, it will be much more effective and for a shorter period of time to reach age-appropriate academic levels.

Closing the Gap

Brain training programs close the learning gap, paving the way to reaching one’s true potential and abilities. It’s time to close the gap. It’s time to train the brain!

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