NJ Distance Learning Tutor

We serve as a NJ distance learning tutor center. Learning challenges can be difficult to diagnose and even harder to tap into. As a South Jersey based executive functioning and tutoring center, we aim to bridge the gap between challenges and achievements. We offer in-office and Nationwide online programs for adults and children with all […]

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Getting Schoolwork Done During this Global Crisis!

Getting Your Child’s Work Done During the COVID-19 Crisis

Life has now changed as we know it in the past few weeks. We are coping with many issues that even supermom herself couldn’t handle! It’s not just school worries, it’s basic survival Paying the bills. Losing our jobs or working from home. Keeping your family healthy. Sanitizing routines. Figuring out where and how to […]

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ADHD and Exercise: How Activity Benefits NVLD and ADHD

ADHD and Exercise How Activity Benefits NVLD and ADHD

Let’s explore the links between ADHD and exercise and how activity can benefit ADHD, NVLD, and dyspraxia. Since individuals with ADHD have decreased dopamine levels, exercising can activate the brain’s release of neurotransmitters and dopamine, increasing attention and clear thinking. WATCH VIDEO BELOW For individuals with ADHD, losing weight and gaining muscle is an added […]

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NVLD at the National Learning Disabilities Conference

NVLD at the National Learning Disabilities Conference

As I traveled to Orlando, Florida for the National Learning Disabilities conference, I was hopeful to learn more about non-verbal learning disorders (NVLD) and to better help those like myself (I’m a learning specialist with NVLD and ADHD). So little is known about NVLD so you may not be familiar with it. Could NVLD be […]

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Announcing Our New NVLD Support Group

NVLD Support Group

Do you ever feel frustrated and overwhelmed?  Like you are the only one with or the parent of someone with a Non-Verbal Learning Disorder?  Linda K. is here to let you know that you are NOT alone! She has created a private Facebook group called NVLD Pioneers, an NVLD support group for families and individuals […]

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Calming Anxiety in Adults and Children with Neurodiversity using Essential Oils

Anxiety in adults and children with neurodiversity

Anxiety in adults and children with neurodiversity can be very common. Are you looking for ways to decrease anxiety for yourself or your child? Children and adults with NVLD, ADHD, and autism experience anxiety during social interactions, transitions, and while doing school work. While some medications for ADHD help with focus, they can trigger or […]

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What do Trains Have to Do with ADHD and NVLD?

What do Trains Have to Do with ADHD and NVLD

Have you ever set aside time to prepare for a task you know you had a deadline to complete? Such as cleaning your house, doing your taxes, or any other task, but you struggle to get started? If you’re able to start the task, does it ever feel impossible to stay focused long enough to […]

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Listen to Linda on ADHD for Smart Ass Woman Podcast

Episode 56 Is it ADHD or Non-Verbal Learning Disorder with Linda Karanzalis, M.S., BCCS

Episode 56: Is it ADHD or Non-Verbal Learning Disorder? with Linda Karanzalis, M.S., BCCS Join Tracy and her guest Linda Karanzalis, in Episode #56 of ADHD for Smart Ass Women. Linda is a board-certified cognitive specialist and parent/student coach who provides executive function training and social-emotional learning programs for people of all ages. Linda also just wrote […]

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How My Dad helped Me Growing up with a Non-Verbal Learning Disorder, ADHD, and Neurodiversity

Learn how you can help your children of all ages by how my 98 yr. old dad helped me growing up with a non-verbal learning disorder, ADHD, and neurodiversity. Love to hear your thoughts! Non-Verbal Learning Disorders & Help from my 98 year old Dad! Learn how you can help your children of all ages […]

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Parents of children with nonverbal learning disabilities and neurodiversities

Parents of children with nonverbal learning disabilities and neurodiversities

Parents of children with nonverbal learning disabilities and neurodiversities: Taking off the fire hat. How to instill Fire PREVENTION, instead of Fire FIGHTING. Watch the Video & Learn from Linda’s struggles as a child with NVLD/ADHD and professional experiences how to help your child ‘Don’t be the fire fighter, be the coach! -Be a protector, […]

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