The NVLD & NeuroDivergent Pioneer

Linda Talks about NVLD, ADHD on the SuccessFULL with ADHD Podcast with Brooke Schnittman!
Linda Karanzalis NVLD ADHD Podcast: We are excited to share insights from our recent discussion with Linda Karanzalis, a nationally recognized cognitive specialist and advocate for Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD). Linda’s mission is to spread awareness about NVLD, a condition often misunderstood and misdiagnosed as ADHD, autism, or other learning challenges.
What is NVLD?
NVLD is a brain-based learning disorder characterized by difficulties in visual-spatial processing, motor skills, and social interactions despite strong verbal abilities. This unique profile can lead to challenges in communication, academic settings, and the workplace.
Key Highlights from Our Discussion:
Linda shares her journey growing up with NVLD, offering a firsthand perspective on the struggles and triumphs associated with the disorder.
Differentiating NVLD from Autism and ADHD: Linda explains how NVLD differs from other conditions, emphasizing the importance of accurate diagnosis for effective support.
Advocacy and Awareness: Through her work and her book, “Misnamed, Misdiagnosed, Misunderstood,” Linda aims to foster empathy and understanding for those who think and learn differently.
NVLD Expert Linda Karanzalis, MS, BCCS

Linda Karanzalis, MS
Linda Karanzalis, MS, is a former special education classroom teacher with over 25 years of experience in learning disabilities, ADHD, social-emotional learning, social skills training, and behavior management.