ADHD and Parents

Treatment approaches for NVLD and ADHD

nonverbal learning disorder

Introduction to NVLD and ADHD Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD) is possibly the most misunderstood and tricky-to-diagnose neurological disorder. Both NVLD and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) share some symptoms, but they arise from different biological brain-based differences. So, how can you differentiate between the two, and how can you ensure that you or your child […]

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Masking To Fit in a Neurotypical World

Masking To Fit in a Neurotypical World

Neurotypical vs. Neurodivergent Neurodiversity and inclusive communication techniques:“Neurotypical” describes an individual with typical neurological development, while “neurodivergent” refers to people with brain-based conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), learning disabilities, and mental health conditions. These challenges can make it difficult for neurodivergent individuals to understand […]

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I’m Not His Maid!

ADHD children need chores broken into manageable steps so they don’t feel overwhelmed by the tasks in front of them. Read these expert tips. Children with ADHD need structure — lots of it. And that includes strategies to accomplish tasks that may seem ‘easy’ or ‘common sense’ to others. Many children with ADHD often shut down when […]

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Motivation for Children: How to Reward Behavior Without Technology

“The thing that motivates my 11-year-old son with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is screen time — whether on the computer or watching TV,” one reader tells us. “He gets one hour a day during the week and two hours a day on the weekend. Unfortunately, it’s about the only thing that motivates him. I […]

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Step Back from Symptoms and See Yourself Clearly to Rescue Faltering Friendships

Blurting, rudeness, and poor impulse control were sabotaging friendships for this woman with attention deficit. By stepping back and taking stock, she learned how she looked to others — and turned the trend around to improve her social skills. A gal can get herself in a fix when the “I” part of ADHD rears its […]

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“How Can I Make New Friends?”

“Right now my friends are 60 and older. It’s not all bad, but it does get lonely. Where can I meet friends my age? How can I form real connections?” Friends come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. Older friends can offer guidance, provide valuable insights, and offer you opportunities to learn and grow from their […]

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ADHD-Friendly Schedule Fixes for Working Parents

“Help! I know children with ADHD need consistent schedules, but what can working parents or parents with inconsistent schedules do to help their kids?” Being consistent with schedules, instructions, and discipline as parents to children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is hard enough for parents who work regular hours, so I understand your dilemma, […]

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Social Acceptance for ADHD Children

“My ADHD child is very sensitive and craves to be part of a group at school. He tries very hard, but the other kids tend to reject him.” Rejection from peers is something all kids experience at one time or another. Unfortunately, rejection for children with attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD) is often the […]

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Why Do You get Pushback Behavior from Your Child?

Why Do You get Pushback Behavior from Your Child

What causes your child give pushback when you ask something of them? Children of all ages with different brain wiring (ADHD, NVLD, social-emotional difficulties, often struggle with problem solving and changes. Does your child ‘dig in his heels’ to resist new changes? Poor executive functioning skills cause difficulties understanding and comprehending new incoming information. For […]

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Adjusting to life with ADHD

Adjusting to life with ADHD

Let’s look at adjusting to life with ADHD. Overcoming ADHD to live a productive life is something every parent wants for their child with an ADHD diagnosis, however adjusting to life with ADHD is typically the answer. Finding lost keys in the refrigerator, running out of gas, spending an hour looking for my phone and […]

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