
Communication Tips for NVLD and its Neurodivergents of All Ages (Parents, teach these skills to your children!)

NVLD and neurodivergents

  Communication tips for NVLD and neurodivergents :I get it—having NVLD and ADHD means facing communication challenges. But here’s the good news: those struggles have taught me so much about connection, patience, and growth. Let’s explore some simple, effective tips to make communication feel easier and more rewarding. Do You Feel Left Out of Conversations? […]

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Linda Karanzalis, MS, BCCS, Sheds Light on This Invisible Disability in Her New Book; Misnamed, Misdiagnosed, Misunderstood

Identifying NVLD Symptoms in Children 

The Price of Business Digital Network has a new series of outstanding commentaries from thought leaders.  This is one in that series. Symptoms of Nonverbal Learning Disorder : Linda Karanzalis Board-Certified Cognitive specialist, talks about the new book she published on NVLD, a little-known disorder Chris Rock recently revealed he was diagnosed with.  Linda has worked with […]

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Could You or Your Child Have NVLD? Demystifying This Little-Known Learning Disorder

Learning Disorder

INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Nonverbal learning disorder (NVLD):Recently, Kevin Price, host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Linda Karanzalis, MS, BCCS, a leading expert on Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD) and neurodivergence, as part of her ongoing commentary series. The Linda Karanzalis Commentaries Millions of […]

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NVLD and Invisible Learning Disorders

NVLD and Invisible Learning Disorders

Nonverbal communication challenges in NVLD: Neurodivergent (ND) individuals think, learn, and behave differently from the neurotypical (NT) majority due to neurological differences. People with Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD) fall under the ND category. However, NVLD can be easily overlooked and misunderstood. Despite having strong verbal skills, individuals with NVLD often struggle with nonverbal communication—such as […]

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Treatment approaches for NVLD and ADHD

nonverbal learning disorder

Introduction to NVLD and ADHD Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD) is possibly the most misunderstood and tricky-to-diagnose neurological disorder. Both NVLD and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) share some symptoms, but they arise from different biological brain-based differences. So, how can you differentiate between the two, and how can you ensure that you or your child […]

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Neurodiversity: Join the Movement!

Neurodiversity Join the Movement!

What is Neurodiversity? Neurodiversity and mental health is a concept that celebrates neurological differences as natural variations in the human population. Literally, neurodiversity means “differently wired.” This term reflects the brain-based differences that make neurodivergent people think, learn, behave, and work differently from the majority of the population, known as “neurotypicals.” Key Differences Between Neurotypicals […]

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What You Can’t See Can Hurt

What You Can’t See Can Hurt

The Hidden Struggles of NVLDers Challenges of Nonverbal Learning Disorder :Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD) often goes unnoticed because individuals with NVLD typically exhibit exceptional verbal communication skills. However, their struggles with nonverbal communication—such as body language, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice—can lead to significant misunderstandings, especially in interactions with neurotypical individuals. This discrepancy […]

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Leveling the Playing Field for the NeuroDiverse Community


Introduction Supporting Neurodiversity in Education and Employment In a recent episode of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, host Kevin Price welcomed Linda Karanzalis, MS, BCCS, a recognized expert on Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD) and neurodiversity. This conversation is part of an ongoing series aimed at raising awareness and understanding of neurodiversity as a […]

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Could You or a Love One Have NVLD?

Could You or a Love One Have NVLD

Excerpt from the new book Misnamed, Misdiagnosed, Misunderstood; Recognizing and Coping with NVLD from Child hood through Adulthood Throughout my childhood and early adult years, my parents, teachers, friends, and others would get mad at me for the things I did without knowing any better. Thankfully, before my diagnosis, I had figured out ways to not […]

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School Daze How I Graduated College With Honors

Graduated College

For students with brain-based learning challenges like ADHD and NVLD, excelling in school can be an enormous challenge. I want to share with you some of the tips and tricks I used to graduate with honors to become to get a master’s degree in brain-based education.    Find the Best Instructors for Your Learning Style […]

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