Morning Routines
Back to School for Students with Attention & Learning, and Social Difficulties

When it’s back to school time for students with attention, learning, and social difficulties there are many adjustments to be made. Getting back into the groove after the end of summer means making some changes for all involved. As you know, change is hard for those with attention, learning, and social difficulties. Keep in mind […]
Read More....Maintaining Routine and Structure for Kids with ADD/ADHD

If you’ve heard it once you’ve heard it a thousand times, kids with ADHD need routine and structure. Getting there is another story, especially if you as a parent suffer from ADHD as well. You can’t give away what you don’t have and realizing this is the first step. I can’t tell you how many […]
Read More....Alarm Clocks for Kids with ADHD/ADD Children who Have Difficulty Waking Up

Many children with ADHD/ADD have difficulty getting up in the morning. Many parents are at their wit’s end trying to get their children up and to school on time. This is due to the fact many with ADHD/ADD have hypersomnia caused by the difficulty with the brains ability to shifting from the sleep state to […]
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