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ADDvantages is one of the greatest avenues I have found for my child, which is why I have been with them for nearly three years! My child has made so much progress that we keep signing up for programs. They have so much to offer. They have a knack for finding ways to make learning fun, so my child actually looks forward to her sessions!
Patricia Gephart, Lumberton

There is not enough room on this paper to list all of the changes and improvements that has occurred since working with ADDvantages. My son has shown improvement across the board. He is more confident, inquisitive, and focused.
Tom Badges, Collingswood, NJ

My child has shown specific improvements during the weeks at ADDvantages Learning Center. It is easier to get him to do things, which was a struggle in the past. The greatest change is reflected in his overall spirit. He is lighter and I hear him laughing more. I interpret this as a decrease in his frustration level, and things in general are easier for him. He also has become more verbally expressive with me.
Regina Lyons, Marlton, NJ

After trying just about everything and being frustrated with my son’s frustration, we found ADDvantages. Immediately we noticed our son’s enthusiasm—just a little success that grew all the time. His memory sharpened, desire to keep going increased, logic and reasoning started to connect by realizing he wasn’t dumb but just needed some assistance in unlocking some things in his brain that were already there. I just loved working the program and have recommended ADDvantages to many of my friends whose kids are struggling. Struggling in school really lowers their self-esteem, but this has boosted my son’s. He has also taught me as a parent. I wish we could have found ADDvantages earlier. He is doing great!
Amy Ritts, Cherry Hill, NJ

Jessica’s biggest improvement was actually in math. She dreaded homework and math class but now has much more confidence. She has had much more success in math with her teacher reporting her willingness to keep at difficult problems and working through them. Her pace of work has doubled. She now independently does her homework within an hour! Before, it would take three hours, and we’d cut back the work. Her teachers have all reported better completion of work in class. I have recommended this program to other parents, and I tell them that there is a parental commitment, but when the program is over, they’ll be happy they invested the time.
Susan Buyers, Mt. Laurel, NJ

Before Katie began the program, she was having difficulty completing assignments and staying focused and on task. We began to see improvements in the third week. After the fourth week, the teacher called us to let us know that she had made significant improvements. Katie made the honor roll on her last marking period in the fourth grade. She also has better comprehension than ever before and has become more social as well.
Megan McCann, Voorhees, NJ

At home I saw a big change with the ease of doing homework. I have already referred a few friends to ADDvantages. I only wish the school would see the same. I feel confident about the program and am continuing with another one. Amazing trainer. Great match for Yael. Very positive all the time!
Stacy Shaatiel, Cherry Hill, NJ

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