SkateKids & Ramps to Reading

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SkateKids™ and Ramps To Reading™ are online digital game-based reading programs built to stimulate and develop the cognitive processes necessary for learning to read while students build critical literacy skills. We often refer to decoding and fluency and comprehension as the basics of reading. But there is no single part of the brain dedicated to decoding or any of those other “basics” of reading. And many readers struggle with comprehension even when decoding and fluency are strong. There are multiple underlying cognitive processes that we may not even be aware of that have to be working well for us to become good readers.

Ramps to Reading™ (Ages 4 to 7) takes early readers from initial pre-literacy levels to basic word reading and comprehension. Engaging games help learners acquire and practice skills in a developmentally appropriate sequence.  No independent reading is required for Ramps To Reading.

SkateKids™ (Ages 7 to 12) cultivates early readers in an immersive environment that scaffolds reading levels as it helps learners develop critical thinking and metacognitive skills.

Ramps To Reading Demo (ages 4-7) 

SkateKids Demo (ages 7-12 … 6th grade reading level at upper end)


SkateKids™ and RampsT oReading™ explicitly develop planning, attention, and simultaneous and sequential processing to enable students to make rapid gains in the acquisition of literacy skills. Scientific research has demonstrated these cognitive processes are involved in learning to read.

See How It Helps!

Planning:  The student decides how to attack a task, exerting cognitive control over processes and knowledge with intentionality.

Attention: Focused cognitive activity and resistance to distraction are essential in the process of learning to read.

Simultaneous and Sequential Processing: Reading, like many other tasks, requires the brain to simultaneously process a mass of information and then to take in and manipulate the sequence of information, from the letters in a word to the sentences in a paragraph.

Our Students

Our students access SkateKids and Ramps To Reading from the comfort and convenience of their own home. We provide professional monitoring for optimal success.  Each program is individualized for the student and will be performed 3-5 days per week, for 15-30 minutes per day. Individual results will vary.

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