Reading Struggles

Executive Functioning and Brain Training for Struggling Readers and Dyslexia

Reading StrugglesWhat do you do when your child isn’t reading on grade level? Reading difficulties can be obvious and torturous for some, while others slip by the radar unrecognized. Shrinking into their seats and hoping they’re not called on to read aloud in front of the class is painful.

We all know reading and reading comprehension are important for life success. What most don’t realize is just how critical they are to quality of life! Poor reading causes educational problems from grade school to college and diminishes future financial independence. Students not reading well in third grade are four times more likely to mentally and physically drop out of school. Let’s not forget to include those who’ve mentally and emotionally dropped out, feeling defeated and embarrassed.

Although we may not be asked to read aloud in front of others at work, we’re expected to understand what we read as reflected in our work responsibilities. The bottom line is that deficient reading skills dramatically impact life success.

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The Solution: Processing Skills

If this isn’t discouraging enough, many students are in specialized reading programs for years and yet do not make enough progress to become fluent and comprehensive readers! Parents rely on schools, but what they don’t know is that even special school services and tutoring are not going to solve the problem. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here reading this right now! The way out is to develop poor auditory processing skills, the basic skills required to learn to read. Schools work on academics, not processing skills.

Studies Show That 85% of All Reading Difficulties Are Caused by Weak Auditory Processing Skills

The foundational skills to reading are intact and efficient processing skills with auditory processing as the most important one. To be a good reader, one must be able to discern sounds. It’s common for struggling readers and those with dyslexia to have difficulties telling the difference in letter sounds that are similar (a,e,i,o,u, ch/sh).

Our in-office and remote programs are so successful because we use cognitive training exercises to develop and strengthen cognitive processing auditory skills. Don’t take our word for it. Listen to what a parent has to say!

Will you or your child be our next success story? 


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