Memory Decline

Executive Functioning and Brain Training for Memory Decline

Memory Decline

The good news is that there is a difference between memory decline and dementia! Not all memory loss is from medical brain diseases (Alzheimer’s and dementia). We all forget things from time to time: keys, bill, conversations, directions, and more. The cause can be from any number of things.

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Age-Associated Memory Impairment

Individuals over the age of 65 have a 40% rate of some type of memory loss. This type of memory loss is not caused by medical conditions and is not part of the normal aging process.

It’s Not Always from Aging!

Memory decline often results from depression, side effects of medication, alcohol, stress, dehydration, B12 deficiency, and more. We don’t diagnose or treat memory decline; many individuals have improved with brain cognitive training.

All Ages Can Benefit from Brain Training

Many studies show improvement is possible by exercising your brain just like exercising the body. Our programs are fun, challenging, and can be done in the convenience of your own home with remote monitoring. There are many online programs. However, we at ADDvantages supervise and provide support every step of the way through online technology or phone support. You don’t need to be computer whiz. If you can click a mouse, you are good to go! Sign up for our free assessment to be at your best!


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